Raising Our Family & Good Food
Mylene - Founder & Baker

We moved our young family from Manila to Cebu, shortly after summer began in 2011. I was almost due with our 5th baby. The move was a complete cut from the corporate rat race, the escape from the shrill congestion of the capital, and a return to the place where I grew up. At that time, I had intense cravings I've never felt before, for certain savory dishes & sweets. The only way to survive those cravings without compromising my health was to make the foods myself.   I could say I can bake a storm, my prenatal nesting instincts and high bursts of energy led to lots of time in the kitchen and the oven.

It was hard to find the right kind of wholesome desserts which contained the good things. So we got baking. My obsession began with the Vegan chocolate cake. It just had to be right. It's a challenge to bake Vegan! If we were keen about sourcing whole foods, it should naturally extend to wholesome baked goods. There has to be a better way of having delectable sweets for children and grown ups without the bad stuff. It would be great to aspire for low sugar, good quality flours, non- hydrogenated fats - for example. These concerns are not prioritized in commercial baking.

Our country is abundant with super foods grown in local farms. Why not have them all in our beverage and baked goods creations? For a time I was obsessed mainly wth cacao, then on with Moringa, and other healing herbs and local fruits.  Living a simple formula of having whole foods daily for the family is not very difficult. We believe in starting  children young with breastfeeding and natural foods.

Good Farm is a very personal venture of our family. We officially opened our little project in 2019. It''s a continuing journey of discovering and making good food together.  We hope we have made a difference in your goal of having better dessert options and "fastfood" that is  - good food, anyone can enjoy without the guilt!

Thank you for dropping by! 

See you at our cafe, we would love to serve you!